
Dates for your diary:

All Churches Lunch: All Churches Lunch: Chiddingly and East Hoathly churches hold a monthly Church Lunch. We would like Framfield people to join us. It's very informal and come as you are as you're able. We now move to the Village Hall (Chiddingly), our winter venue for the first Sunday of each month, God willing. Next lunch will be on 5th May. To book please email Peter and Faith - Please state any dietary requirements.

Posted: 03.05.2024

Christian Aid Week: Collection envelopes went out with the Parish Magazine for Apr/May. Christian Aid Week: 12-18 May 2024. This year, Christian Aid Week will focus on the cost-of-living crisis faced by many people around the world and the general alleviation of poverty.

Posted: 05.04.2024

Ashburnham Healing Service: Ashburnham chapel, TN33 9PD, have their next healing service on the 19th May at 6.30 pm. The Very Revd. Lee Duckett, Dean of Battle, will be leading please do come and bring your friends.

Posted: 05.04.2024