Gaynor Robson


Giving to the Church: We are so grateful for any donations you are able to make. In a rapidly increasing cashless world, we are excited to announce that the church is now equipped with a cashless giving machine. Donations can be made easily using a credit or debit card. Simply select the cause you would like to donate to and the amount you wish to donate and tap your card on the top of the machine. We are currently collecting for the general church fund, and the churchyard appeal. Contact me for further details.

Donations to the church may be made in two ways:

In light of the current world situation and the subsequent need to suspend all services and close all churches, we are looking at ways in which we may mitigate the financial loss to the church. We have switched off the heating system and cancelled any non-essential budgeted repairs. However, as a small church we are reliant on the generosity of our parishioners and the extended members of the community. With no services, we subsequently are not receiving weekly donations via the service collection.

We appreciate and understand that with the closure of shops, schools etc, many people are facing a reduction in income and that continuing to give to the church may not be possible just now. We do receive many donations via monthly standing order, and we are extremely thankful to you if you are able to continue to give in this way.

Donate using online banking

If you have an online banking facility and would like to make any donations to the church, either as a one-off donation or as a weekly/monthly standing order, the bank details required are as follows:

Account Name:   Framfield PCC

Account number:   91456369

Sort Code:   40-45-32

Please use the reference –‘(Name)–Donation’

If you are registered for Gift Aid, please complete the attached gift aid form and return to the Treasurer (Gaynor Robson) at the following address:


Donate using Givealittle

Donate an amount of your choice on a secure website -  
Donate here

Leave us a Legacy

See our Legacy Policy here

Many thanks and blessings to you all.

Gaynor Robson

Treasurer – St Thomas A Becket Church, Framfield