Prayer Diary

Last updated: 26.07.2024

Prayer Diary for July 2024
Mark 6: 7: He called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits.
24. We continue to pray that all who work for You will know how much they are appreciated, especially at this time.
25. We pray for all those who are anxious, lonely or ill, especially those known to us.
26. You know that life can be very hard, and we pray that we will be faithful in prayer.
27. We continue to pray for our NHS, and all the wonderful staff who work under pressure.
28. We pray for Peter as he leads our Morning Praise Service today.
29. We pray for our new Government and that there may be more cooperation and agreement across parties.
30. We pray for the Framfield PCC meeting this evening.
31. We pray for the Chiddingly PCC meeting this afternoon, and for the East Hoathly PCC meeting this evening.
Prayer Diary for August 2024
John 6: 35 Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life.
1. We pray for all those who are anxious, lonely or ill, especially those known to us.
2. You know that life can be very hard, and we pray that we will be faithful in prayer.
3. We pray for those who have lost someone dear, comfort them we pray.
4. We pray for James as he leads our Parish Eucharist today.
5. We continue to pray for the people of Ukraine and their bravery.
6. We ask that You will Have Your hand on the shortage of personnel for our essential services.
7. We continue to pray for victims of violent crime.
8. We pray that everyone may feel valued.
9. We pray that You will raise up more people to lead.
10. We continue to pray for all the unrest there is in the country.
11. We pray for James as he leads our Combined Eucharist at Chiddingly today.
12. We continue to pray that all who work for You will know how much they are appreciated, especially at this time.
13. We continue to pray for our NHS, and all the wonderful staff who work under pressure.
14. We ask that everyone keep the world in their prayers at this difficult time.
15. We continue to pray about climate change and those most affected by it.
16. We continue to pray for the people who live and work here, may they turn more and more to You.
17. We ask that we will learn to protect our wildlife.
18. We pray for James as he leads our Family Service today.
Posted: 26.07.2024
Thanks to Jean for all her hard work in compiling this Prayer Diary over the years.
We wish her well in her "retirement"
Prayer Diary is now also posted daily to WhatsApp.
Please continue to pray for:
  • The situation in Gaza
  • The situation in Ukraine
  • The King and the Duchess of Cambridge
  • James and Janice
  • Eric
  • Penny
  • Richard and Pat
  • Peter and Delia
  • Jean
  • Bill and Diana
  • Jenny & Family
  • Val & Family

Updated 26.03.2024