Welcome to Framfield Church


Welcome to St Thomas à Becket Church, Framfield near Uckfield in East Sussex.

(The Church Postcode is TN22 5NS)

Summer opening hours
The church is now open between
10.00 am and 4.00 pm

Quick Menu

Framfield PCC has adopted the House of Bishop’s "Promoting a Safer Church" Safeguarding Policy Statement  -  Details

Please Support Us
Give a Little     Donate here -  Details
Sunday at Framfield
Ninth Sunday after Trinity
(Proper 12)
Sunday 28th July 2024
10.00 am Morning Praise
Peter Berry
All welcome - Details
Contact Details

Priest in Charge - Revd James Vine

Please note Revd James lives at East Hoathly Rectory and works from there

Email: jamesdavidvine@gmail.com

Telephone: 01825 840270

Forward as three churches

Our Mission Action Plan (MAP) for the next 3-5yrs is now available here.

Church Calendar

The church calendar is available here

Service Archive - Missed a service ?

Previously recorded services are still available here

and on YouTube.


All churches - Details

Framfield - July 2024 - Details

Framfield - August 2024 - Details

Framfield Flowers 2024 - Details

Locking rota 2024 - Details

TàB - Church Notices

Church notices for 14.7.24 to 28.7.24 are now available in church and on the Notices page here

Church Hall

Enquire about the Church Hall  -  Details

Help in the churchyard

Ideally, we need more help with the churchyard maintenance. Please contact Peter Berry if you are able to help, even a couple of hours a week, or email the church office.
We also need funds for our Churchyard Appeal  -  Details